02-301-2223 sale@pp.premier.co.th

The Company’s Board of Directors emphasizes good corporate governance. It believes that good corporate governance and management under the framework of good ethics, transparency, accountability and fairness to all relevant parties will help to promote the Company’s stable and sustained growth and help to increase the confidence of the shareholders, investors and all related parties. Therefore, the Board of Directors has established in writing the principles of good corporate governance as guidance for the management and employees as follows:

  1. Conduct business with integrity, fairness, transparency and accountability, and disclose adequate information to all relevant parties.
  2. Provide appropriate and effective internal control, risk management and internal audit systems.
  3. Emphasize on the rights of shareholders and treat shareholders equally with fairness to all parties.
  4. Comply with the requirements of all relevant laws and regulations and business ethics in order to protect the rights of all groups of stakeholders.
  5. Organize the structure, duties and responsibilities of each group of directors clearly.

The Company’s good corporate governance policy adheres to the Principles of Good Corporate Governance for Listed Companies B.E. 2555 (2012) promulgated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand, which covers 5 categories of principles as follows:

Section 1 The Rights of Shareholders

Section 2 The Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

Section 3 The Role of Stakeholders

Section 4  Disclosure and Tranparency

Section 5 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors