SET News
28/09/2018 Rights for Shareholders to propose AGM Agenda and to nominate candidate(s) to be elected as the Company's Director(s) for the year 2019 27/07/2018 Reviewed Quarter 2 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3) 27/07/2018 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30 Jun 2018 21/04/2018 Disclosure of Minutes of 2018 Annual General Meeting 20/04/2018 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2018 09/04/2018 Reviewed Quarter 1 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3) 05/03/2018 Shareholders meeting's resolution 03/02/2018 Publication on the letter of invitation to the Annual General Meeting of holders for the year 2018 on the Company's website 03/02/2018 Audited Yearly and Consolidated F/S (F45-3) 01/02/2018 Resolutions of the Board of Directors, Arrangement for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the year 2018 and Dividend Payment (Revised)