Membrane water filter system Maxfil
Membrane water filter system with accessories that cover the water production process, adjust the water condition before and after filtering, water distribution, including the connection of water management systems. With more than 40 years of experience in water systems. With an engineering team experts ready to give advice and can design a filter system that is suitable for the location, water condition and use for various purposes. In order to be worth the investment foe the efficiency of recycling water maximize with Membrane Filtration System. Use water filtration technology with membrane to reduce impurities in the water such as suspended sediments, organic matter, bacteria, viruses, including water solutions. Designed according to engineering principles and the materials used are durable and strong. The system performance is generally accepted.
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(ไทย) สามารถผลิตน้ำประปาจากแหล่งน้ำดิบที่เป็นน้ำผิวดินได้ และกรองให้อนุภาคปนเปื้อนออกจากน้ำได้ละเอียดรวมถึงการกรองแบคทีเรีย เหมาะสำหรับอาคารสำนักงาน ขนาดกลาง-ใหญ่ ,ห้างสรรพสินค้า, คอมมูนิตี้มอลล์, โรงแรม, มหาวิทยาลัย, โรงงานอุตสาหกรรม ประเภทต่างๆ
Used for filtering water able to produce tap water from surface water sources that are surface water and filter contaminated particles from the water, including filtering bacteria.
Suitable for office buildings Medium-large size, shopping malls, community mall, hotels, universities and various types of industrial factories
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